Recipe for Natural Anti-Aging Cream and Tonic Tea

Recipe for Natural Anti-Aging Cream and Tonic Tea

Are creases and other ageing indicators getting to you? For you, we have a simple and practical solution today! We’re going to be making a fantastic tonic tea and a natural anti-aging face cream that will help fight the signs of ageing and leave you feeling refreshed.

Recipe for Anti-Aging Face Cream
First, let’s discuss the anti-aging face cream. What you’ll need is as follows:

  1. One big orange
  2. one medium-sized carrot
  3. Six bay leaves
  4. One tablespoon of coconut oil
  5. Four tsp olive oil

Here’s how to make the cream now:

  1. Rinse the orange well with baking soda and warm water.
  2. Grate the orange peel finely and save.
  3. The medium carrot should be grated.
  4. Make sure the water in the saucepan doesn’t get inside the cream while it’s cooking by placing a towel at the bottom and adding water.
  5. To the pot, add the olive oil, coconut oil, chopped carrot, bay leaves, and grated orange peel.
  6. Boil the water and cook over medium heat for forty minutes.
  7. Pour the mixture via a strainer.
  8. Place the cream in the refrigerator to chill.
  9. After use, place the cream in the refrigerator.

This orange cream works wonders for wrinkle reduction and anti-aging. The orange’s essential oils enhance cellular regeneration by penetrating the skin deeply and stimulating metabolic processes. Its first application will make your skin noticeably softer. But be sure to try it on a small portion of your skin first before putting it all over your face.

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