negative energies in your home


  1. Get the solution ready: Combine the vinegar, salt, and water in a big, clear glass and stir for one minute.
  2. Placement: Put the glass in a room that gets a lot of use in your house.
  3. Observation: Give it a day without touching it. If the salt becomes visible, it means that negative energy has been absorbed.
  4. Repeat: You might want to think about setting up extra glasses in other rooms for a more complete cleaning.
  5. Cleaning Up Your Body
  6. Baths with sea salt are well known for their cleansing qualities, making them perfect for body and home purification.

Regarding a Soaking Bath:


  1. 250g of sea salt and baking soda each.

Prepare the ingredients by adding the baking soda and sea salt to a bathtub filled with lukewarm water.

Duration: For a restorative effect, soak for twenty minutes prior to going to bed.

This easy-to-use yet powerful method of dispelling bad energy can make your house a calm, happy place that improves your general wellbeing.

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