Homemade Mozzarella Cheese with Just 2 Ingredients

Easy and Delicious: Homemade Mozzarella Cheese with Just 2 Ingredients, No Rennet Needed!

Do you want to enjoy the rich, creamy flavor of mozzarella cheese but don’t want to struggle with difficult-to-find ingredients or complicated recipes? There’s nowhere else to look! All you need is two basic ingredients and a little time to make your own impressive handmade mozzarella cheese. The best part of this recipe is that it doesn’t call for rennet, which makes it ideal for anyone who want a more straightforward method of creating cheese. Let’s explore this simple and satisfying recipe and experience the delight of making our own mozzarella cheese.


  • Milk: Begin with fresh, premium milk. Any kind of milk will do, but whole milk will result in a richer, creamier mozzarella cheese.
  • Acid: To assist the milk curdle and turn into cheese, you’ll need an acid. We’ll be utilizing citric acid for this recipe, which is easily found in most grocery stores.


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